Friday 28 September 2012

The Slip House on Grand Designs

I didn't manage to catch Grand Designs on Wednesday, but did manage to catch up yesterday between interview prep (I cant help but procrastinate!)

I was a little skeptical at the start, the bold, no holds barred juxtaposition of styles and materials didn't sit well with my own ideas of beautiful design, but I was soon to be converted!

Mary and Carls minimalist ideas essentially result in a beautiful, expertly crafted, simple building which is both functional and different. The glass cladding system which is used to hide the upper story and roof terrace changes the buildings appearance drastically from day to night. (Personally I think it looks its best after dark with a soft hue of light behind it)
I love the use of plywood (particularly in the kitchen), the polished concrete floors, the copious amounts of hidden storage and the little garden retreat in the middle of the city!
However, I still am not converted to the minimalist way of living, I like to surround myself with objects and things I collect from day to day, plus I'm just not that clean to keep it all looking so pristine!

I still need to venture out and check out the building in its raw glory!


Watch the program...
Check out some of Carl Turners other projects..

Thursday 27 September 2012

The Cirrccccleee of Life.....

So I popped back 'home' to Bristol this week to watch The Lion King at The Bristol Hippodrome!
I wasn't really sure what to expect, Lion King wasn't one of my staple Disney films as a child, I wasn't even sure if I still knew the story-line!

I was lucky enough to go to the touch tour before hand with my auntie. It is intended for the blind or partially impaired to feel the costumes and masks to gain a better understanding of the show. The masks are so well crafted and beautiful to see up close and try on! The corsets of the lionesses are all hand beaded and rafiki the monkeys outfit was amazing, particularly the 'shoes'!

As soon as the show starts you are trust into Africa as you are surrounded by Lions, tigers, birds and even a huge elephant which seems to appear from nowhere and thud down the isle to the stage!

There are simply not enough words to describe the entire production, all I can say is it is a must see! Whether you know the story or not you will be amazed at the puppetry, acting and wonderful music which it entails!


Monday 17 September 2012

Lambeth Country Show

After a wonderful couple of days back in Bristol at the mothers, I came back to a sunny Brixton just in time for the Lambeth Country Show in Brockwell Park. 
It was such a lovely day, like a mini festival right in the centre of Brixton. The best part was defiantly queuing up with all the little dots to get a glimpse of the animals that the Vauxhall City Farm had brought along! (Although I missed the piggies, which I was rather sad about!)
There was also a fun-fair, craft tent, complimentary therapies tent, food hall, sheep sheering, live baking demos and even jousting! 
Check out the few pictures I took below!



Sheep with horns (ram?)

The main stage

Sheep waiting to be sheared!

Beautiful Alpacas (the brown one was my fav)

A polish chicken, the funkiest chicken ever

Sunday 9 September 2012

Thames Festival

Its been the Thames Festival this weekend in London Town. We went and explored yesterday to see what all the fuss was about, and had a wonderful day in the sunshine, and an even better evening with cross-dressing, crazy swedish freaks!
We spent most of the day basking in the (slightly to hot!) sunshine with a couple of ciders, enjoying the wonderful sounds of 1000 steel pans next to the London eye, all I needed was a swimming pool to dip my toes in!
Later on in the day we found ourselves by the National Theatre watching what can only be described as the biker from the village people on a unicycle.....make of that what you will.
We stuck around for the last show of the evening and I am so glad we did! The Burnt Out Punks came on with their mix of circus come comedy come trashy punk fire ridden show!
The whole show had me stood with my mouth wide open whilst the boy repeatedly told me how amazing it was (he may have had a few to many beers). 
Take a look at the video below as words escape me to try and begin to describe it!

I am now just settling down to watch the Paralympics closing ceremony and fear I may end up a blubbering mess!


Thursday 6 September 2012

The Ritzy!!

So we went to the Ritzy cinema last night to watch Bourne. The building is amazing, well screen 1 where we were lucky enough to see the film was beautiful. A real little gem, with a wonderful ornate ceiling and theatre seats! Also a bonus was the cheap price! Even though it was orange wednesday its still only £10.50 per person, a bargain compared to the big american inspired cinemas you get, and defiantly a more inspiring surrounding!

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Hello SW9

Having lived in Bristol my whole life I was beginning to get itchy feet and wanted to experience living life somewhere else, so me and the boy packed up and shipped across to Brixton London to start a new chapter of our lives together!

This blog is really just somewhere for me to share the fruits of my explorations of Brixton and London!
