Sunday 9 September 2012

Thames Festival

Its been the Thames Festival this weekend in London Town. We went and explored yesterday to see what all the fuss was about, and had a wonderful day in the sunshine, and an even better evening with cross-dressing, crazy swedish freaks!
We spent most of the day basking in the (slightly to hot!) sunshine with a couple of ciders, enjoying the wonderful sounds of 1000 steel pans next to the London eye, all I needed was a swimming pool to dip my toes in!
Later on in the day we found ourselves by the National Theatre watching what can only be described as the biker from the village people on a unicycle.....make of that what you will.
We stuck around for the last show of the evening and I am so glad we did! The Burnt Out Punks came on with their mix of circus come comedy come trashy punk fire ridden show!
The whole show had me stood with my mouth wide open whilst the boy repeatedly told me how amazing it was (he may have had a few to many beers). 
Take a look at the video below as words escape me to try and begin to describe it!

I am now just settling down to watch the Paralympics closing ceremony and fear I may end up a blubbering mess!


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