Monday 17 September 2012

Lambeth Country Show

After a wonderful couple of days back in Bristol at the mothers, I came back to a sunny Brixton just in time for the Lambeth Country Show in Brockwell Park. 
It was such a lovely day, like a mini festival right in the centre of Brixton. The best part was defiantly queuing up with all the little dots to get a glimpse of the animals that the Vauxhall City Farm had brought along! (Although I missed the piggies, which I was rather sad about!)
There was also a fun-fair, craft tent, complimentary therapies tent, food hall, sheep sheering, live baking demos and even jousting! 
Check out the few pictures I took below!



Sheep with horns (ram?)

The main stage

Sheep waiting to be sheared!

Beautiful Alpacas (the brown one was my fav)

A polish chicken, the funkiest chicken ever

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